The Barn Owl is a captivating nocturnal predator. With its heart-shaped face and distinctive white and golden-brown plumage, the Barn Owl is truly a remarkable sight. Its ghostly appearance is enhanced by its piercing dark eyes, finely-tuned for night vision. Perfectly adapted for silent flight, this majestic bird swoops effortlessly through the night sky in search of prey.

Barn Owls are voracious hunters, primarily feeding on small mammals like mice, voles, and shrews. They rely on their exceptional hearing to detect the rustling of their unsuspecting victims in the grass below. Once their prey is located, the Barn Owl strikes with deadly precision, using its razor-sharp talons to secure its meal. These magnificent birds are known for their ability to consume up to 1,000 rodents in a single year, making them invaluable allies in controlling pest populations.

To spot a Barn Owl in the British countryside, it's best to venture out at dusk or dawn when they are most active. Look for open grasslands, marshes, or farmland, as these are their preferred habitats. Keep a keen eye on fence posts, tree branches, or old buildings, where they often perch and survey their hunting grounds. Their ghostly flight, coupled with their distinctive high-pitched screech, can give away their presence even before they come into view.

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Scientific Name Tyto alba
Length 33-39 cm (13-15")
Wing Span 85-93 cm (34-37")
Weight 290-460 g (10-16 oz)
Breeding Pairs 5000
Present All Year